Due to Mr Hill's bad holiday planning the award ceremony was somewhat rushed this year.... Andy Smith was the main man taking rider of the year but wasn't present to collect his award! Do you believe us now Andy?? ;) Dave Swann looked particularly pleased with "Best Newcomer" - especially as "The Trophy" moved to this award this year after an amazing service whilst in the possesion of Medium Steve.

Sunday's hangovers were cured by a quality breakfast at The Fox & Hounds. Those that acompanied the full English with a couple of pints were in the minority though! :o After breakfast 19 (I believe?) of us headed out for more frozen singletrack fun with some struggling more than others. I can't think why? Cauldwell Dam was either conquered or avoided by all before everyone dashed home to prepare for The Sherry Run.

As usual we were late getting to The Bridge at Oxton - and by the time I got there they had run out of Sherry! I had to wait for my first at the next pub. The day's route consisted of (if I remember right?): Ye Olde Bridge Inn, Oxton > The Cross Keys, Epperstone > The World's End, Lowdham > The Woodlark, Lambley > The Cross Keys, Burton Joyce > The Admiral Nelson, Burton Joyce

I'm not sure how many people showed up in total but it was an impressive turnout including two tandems. Pooley took best decorated bike with tinsel and fully working fairy lights. As usual things gradually got very messy with the ice causing plenty of crashes. It was the ice - not the booze obviously! ;) I believe everyone made it home in one piece eventually but I'm not sure about the coat stand in the Nelson? Comedy Del Boy style moment Choc!!

Merry Christmas.