As the part of The Viking Way that has been closed to motorised vehicles for 18 months is now open again I was interested to see what it was like? However we first had to get some climbing in on the early parts of the route to get to the Viking Way. Ricky, in his usual way, seemed to have talked himself into having a bad ride before he started and was lagging behind a bit on the climbs. Once we got to Croxton things are more leisurely and we crossed the main road and cruised along tarmac chatting to each other.

The MX boys had obviously flouted the closure rule judging by the holes in hedges. So far though the actual trail is a smooth line of singletrack on the wide and now grassed lane. Progress was fast and easy and the kerbstone descent and descent to the canal were both flat out and fun.

Due to the conditions we probably completed the lap as fast as we have ever done? We were soon in the Red Lion enjoying a post ride pint.