It was a windy, showery kind of day so a few of those who would usually be on the darkside, as well as a few of the usual suspects were there. Nine of us in total. Doc was straddling a new Lapierre Zesty. We headed into the woods to avoid the wind.

I very rarely ride the woods in these conditions i.e. dry. To be honest not many of us do as dry usually equals summertime which also means trails overgrown with ferns, brambles and nettles. However due to the very dry spring we have had the trails are currently dry and the vegetation has not yet completely taken over. My legs still got plenty of scratches and stings by the end of the ride but the trails were fast and fun.

Riding was taken at the usual steady Saturday pace with Victorian Dad initially taking the lead. There were quite a few re-grouping stops and mechanicals. Nick's rear gear cable was knackered and in need of replacement - outer and inner. He had previously bodged a bolt to hold it into the mech so Mick and I had to use a pair of pliers on my multi-tool to keep him running. Later on the dodgy gearing also caused him to twist a link in his chain causing another repair. Get it sorted properly this week mate! ;)

In the woods we did a couple of the old favourite railway line drop offs. Then at the end of the ride Mick led us to a small steep area in the old Calverton Pit tip. We did a couple of lines he had done before then tried a new one. All fairly straight forward and good fun. A bit of work with a shovel could have a nice new one with a little drop in it too?