We started off in the Country Park and as Ricky hadn't ridden the railway to Scalford we began  with that. He enjoyed the new trail.

We then rode through the village to pick up the Jubilee Way to Goadby Marwood. It was a nice warm morning and the trails were all still dry despite more rain the night before. I enjoyed getting a little air on some very small drops half way along the trail.

Ricky was not happy with himself over a few minor incidents as we progressed. I'm not sure what all of them were but there was plenty of muttering to himself going on despite no obvious problems visible to me? The only near incident I witnessed was a pedal strike which he only just recovered from to avoid a nasty fall into some stinging nettles. He was also claiming not be feeling at his best breath and strength wise but he was still managing to leave me on most of the climbs!

From Goadby we took the Byway across to Scalford Road with a brief jelly bean stop. Crossing the road we descended the Belvoir escarpment near Piper Hole which includes the always fun but short section through the wood. We next headed across to Hose where we detoured slightly to have a quick look in the village. We wanted to check out if the pubs were still open for future reference. Unfortunately The Black Horse was all boarded up but The Rose & Crown is still open.

As it was too early to partake we got back on route and headed up Pasture Lane. The last short sharp section of tarmac on this road is never a pleasure! Back off road at the top we quickly dispatched the last few sections though I was annoyed with myself for dabbing on the rutted green lane again!

Two hours and fifteen minutes of pleasant riding and we were back in time for lunch. Quite a nice lap this one with nearly all the outward leg being off road.